OK, we've got a name. Her current name is Oxsana (Oksana?) Alexandrovna Avadenya. After much deliberation, I decided to let Julie have her way (I'm no fool), and her new name will be Juliana Alexandra. I wasn't so sure about her first name being so close to Julie's, but it is very pretty (pronounced "Juli-ahn-a" not "Julie-ann-a". Her middle name really won't change too much, and we figure that her new first name is close enough to her current name that she'll probably just think we're calling her by a new nickname. :-) She won't be called Julie for obvious reasons.
We're getting a little bit better of a picture of what our total timeframe may be, and it may not be pretty. Our court date is 12/10, and at this time there's no reason to believe that the judge will not approve the adoption. Then, the 10 day waiting period begins. Then, the process begins for her new birth certificate, passport (from Ukraine) and visa (from U.S. Embassy in Kiev) to leave the country. That can be a 10-14 day process. If you do the math, it appears unlikely that we'll have her home before the new year. Then, get this - Ukraine's big holiday season is the new year/Christmas holiday (they celebrate Eastern Orthodox Christmas, which falls on 1/7). Apparently, the government offices all virtually shut down from 1/1 - 1/9. So, we very well may not be able to get her home before mid-January.
Our return plane tickets are for 12/12, and we will be coming home then. The original plan was for Julie to then fly back a couple of weeks later to wrap thing up. To the point - the area where we are staying and where the orphanage is located is very impoverished and a bit of a rough neighborhood. No way will Julie be coming back by herself. That part of the plan is still up in the air, and our facilitator Luba is meeting with the passport office tomorrow to see if that process can proceed without our presence. Then, we may very well need to come back for just a few days to pick her up, tie things up in Kiev, and head home. There is a slim chance that this could all happen before 12/31, so please, please pray. Otherwise, it will be a longer wait, but we know it will be worth it in the end. We've told you about the bureaucratic red-tape involved in this process, but our heads are spinning right now. We have no great love for the Ukrainian government at the moment. Thank God for Luba, though - she spends all day rushing tirelessly from one office to another to get this document signed by the inspector, that document reviewed by the chief, the next document stamped by the notary... you get the picture.
We've finally got an internet connection here in our apartment (which we are renting from the deputy physician of the orphanage). It is painfully slow dial-up, so we really can't upload video. I'll try to get back to an internet cafe in town to do that in the next few days. Hope you like the pictures. Thank you again for your posts & comments - it is very encouraging and humbling for us to see all of you who are reading this blog and keeping us in your thoughts and prayers.
She looks just like you,Julie!!!Wish i could talk to personally to see how you are and tell you all that's in my heart.I'm so very emotional about this.while Iam writng this Mya is behind me with a doll that she is calling Julianna and singing songs about you coming home from the Ukraine "safe and sound".So you know that we are with you in our thoughts and prayers.Lots of love ,Lori
How exciting!! Isn't God good....along with everyone else I get tears in my eyes when I read these blogs....I can't even imagine the feelings you guys are experiencing right now....She is absolutely beautiful!!! We are praying for the quickest process possible, because we know with God all things are possible!
God Bless
It is absolutely "from the heavens"! How wonderful for all of you. I will keep you, and a speedy process, in my thoughts and prayers.
Take care,
this is from Mya:Me and her are going to be friends.I can't wait to meet my friend.
Greetings from the Beckwith household! What a beautiful little girl!! WE love her name ( we named our daughter Julia:) ). We wish you the best and good luck with everything- we will be thinking of your family!
Warm Wishes,
Jess, Jon and little Julia
Julie and Steve, What a doll. She was so meant for you both. I love the name Julianna. We have loved following your journey and our love and prayers are with you. Stay safe. Love Gino and Gloria
I love checking in with you each day and following your journey.Love the new photos!Julianna looks so happy and healthy.Matt said last night," Mom, she looks like she was born into their family - she looks American" Everyone here is so excited for you all to return with Julianna!!Your are in our thoughts and prayers.
What a beautiful little girl. Be patient-I'm sure she'll be worth it. The Ukranian beurocracy is no worse than most other countrys.Every beaurocrat has to demonstrate his or her importance so they have to get in "on the act" to justify there existence. I hope you haven't had to bribe anyone.
We missed you on Thanksgiving. Lisa left this morning-we'll leave Monday AM. We opened our Christmas presents last night.
My love and prayers are with you.
Wow! God is so faithful!! Julianna looks like she could be your biological daughter! I'm THRILLED for you!!
I'm praying that God will cut through all of the red tape so the adoption will be moved ahead. "Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him and He SHALL BRING IT TO PASS"
Today (Saturday) is the first chance I've had to log on to your blogspot. What a terric job you've done keeping everyone informed. And the pictures are precious!!!
Thanks so much for sharing!
Love you!
Like others we note that Julianna looks a lot like Julie. I makes it easy to believe it is God's providence. Julianna is a pretty name. We liked Oxsana also.
Praying for a quick cutting of all the read tape.
Larry and Judy
Julie and Steve,
She is absolutely beautiful! Just like mom! We know EXACTLY what you are going through. Reading your posts bring back a flood of memories. We will pray for the Ukrainian gov't to move this through! We are so excited for you, God is in the details, especially that paperwork. Enjoy your time with Juliana, and take lots of pictures and write it all down! She is just darling.
Love, Kris T
Dear Julie and Steve,
We are praying for you everyday and ask the Lord to move on the hearts of the ukrainian government. We know EXCACTLY what you are going through. Through it all remember, it is worth it! God is in all the details...even it the endless amounts of notaries and meetings!!!! She is simple beautiful just like mom! Love the name!
Many blessings, The Thibault Family
Wanted to pass on a comment Sarah made to me .She said that she feels it's amazing how God can place a stranger in your arms and she automatically becomes your flesh and blood,someone we care about in the same way we care about the rest of you.We are learning so much from your experience,like how incredibly special you all are to all of us here. we love you
What an angel from the Lord!!!
Seeing the pictures makes us feel even more connected to you and all that is happening. Thank you both for sharing this incredible journey. You are in our continued prayers. Stephanie said that she is a beautiful little girl and cannot wait to meet her. All our love, Michelle
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